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Spotlight on antique peridot jewellery, the birthstone for August

Spotlight on antique peridot jewellery, the birthstone for August


This month’s birthstone spotlight falls on the peridot, the perfect gift for August birthdays everywhere.

A bright and cheery stone befitting summer birthstones, the peridot is a popular choice all year round.

What is a peridot?

Peridot is a gemstone that is derived from the minerals olivine, magnesium and iron. The iron content of the stone will determine how green it is.

The history of the peridot

The history of the peridot is a romantic one! Cleopatra is said to have admired the colour so much, she would wear them with emeralds, while later civilisations named it the ‘evening emerald’, believing its colour to be much more vibrant at night.

What colour is a peridot?

One of very few gemstones that only comes in one colour, peridot is green and can be found in every shade, from pale, yellow-green, to a dark brown-green. The most sought after stones are bright green, akin to summer grass.

Where is peridot found

Peridot does not form in the earth’s crust, like other gemstones, but in the molten rock of the earth’s upper mantle. It can reach the surface in volcanic lava and it has also been found in meteorites. Peridot is mined predominantly in the US – mainly Arizona – but also in Myanmar (formerly Burma), Egypt, Pakistan, China, and Kenya amongst other countries.

What do peridots symbolise?

Highly prized in the religious jewellery of priests in medieval times, peridot is generally considered to be a protective gemstone, keeping the wearer safe from fear and nightmares. Peridot is also said to bring the wearer confidence and the power of happiness, while reducing envy and encouraging forgiveness.

Caring for your antique peridot jewellery

On the Mohs hardness scale which measure the durability and strength of a gemstone, the peridot scores only 6.5-7.0 making it much softer than gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds and sapphires, and on a par with bloodstones. Because of this, peridot jewellery should be stored protected from other gemstones, to reduce the risk of the peridot becoming scratched or damaged. Peridot is a lovely stone for rings, earrings and other pieces of jewellery but it should always be put on after you have applied deodorant, hairspray or perfume. Clean your peridot jewellery with a soft brush and a mild soap solution in warm water – avoid using steam or ultrasonic cleaners which can cause thermal shock.

Buy peridot jewellery from Hemswell Antique Centres

An in-person visit to Hemswell Antique Centres is needed to fully appreciate the large collection of antique peridot jewellery our specialist jewellery dealers have on display. We do have a small selection of peridot jewellery online, but a day with us will let you browse our four buildings full of beautiful pieces.

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