Hemswell Antique Centres

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    Live For Tweed 1470

    LIVE FOR TWEEDTAKE A LOOK AT OUR UNITS IN BUILDING 1 & 3 We stock a huge range of Modern and Vintage Clothing.This includes Vintage Tweed Jackets, Vintage Waistcoats, Vintage Leather Aviator Jackets, Vintage & Modern Ladies Jackets, Wax Jackets, Shooting Coats, Vintage Overcoats, and much more.Some of our popular brands include Barbour, Harris Tweed, Bladen Supasax, Aquascutum, Brook Taverner, and much more.Every item for sale within Hemswell Antiques is sourced and handpicked by ourselves. The stock we sell is very high quality and in excellent vintage condition.Please visit our units, you won't be disapointed.
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